Proizvođači kompleta razvodnog lanca D4cb motora

Dom / Products

NISSAN Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. The product is suitable for Nissan and meets customer needs. 2. Direct replacement - the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 3. All components have been carefully inspect...

FORD Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. The product is suitable for Ford and meets customer requirements. 2. Direct replacement - the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 3. All components have been carefully in...

TOYOTA Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. The product is suitable for Toyota and meets customer needs.2. Direct replacement - the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original one, and its performance is also very good. 3. All components have been carefully inspected and...

BMW Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. It is suitable for direct replacement by BMW -- this VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, with precision processing, and rel...

MAZDA Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages:1. The product is applicable to Mazda and meets customer requirements. 2. Direct replacement - the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 3. All components have been carefully i...

HONDA Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. Direct replacement - the VVT sprocket is as suitable and functional as the original sprocket. 2. Durable structure - made of durable steel, with reliable performance after precision processing. 3.100% brand new - this variable ...

HYUNDAI Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. It is suitable for modern direct replacement -- this VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, precision machined, and reliable. ...

VOLKSWAGEN Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. It is suitable for direct replacement by the volkswagen -- this VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good.2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, precision machined, and ...

AUDI Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages:1. It is suitable for direct replacement by Audi -- the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, with reliable performance after pre...

BENZ Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. It is suitable for direct replacement by Mercedes Benz -- this VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original sprocket, and its performance is also very good. 2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, with reliable performanc...

LAND ROVER Camshaft Phase Regulater(VVT)

Product advantages: 1. Suitable for direct replacement by Land Rover -- the VVT sprocket is as suitable as the original one, and its performance is also very good. 2. Durable structure -- made of durable steel, with reliable performance after precisi...

Timing Chain Kit

To ensure the smooth running of the engine, all parts of the timing drive are matched to achieve absolute synchronization interlock, which ensures that each component in the timing drive can achieve optimal interaction while ensuring that subsequent ...

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Komplet razvodnog lanca za d4cb-motor
Komplet razvodnog lanca za D4CB motor obično se može kupiti od raznih dobavljača i proizvođača autodijelova. Specifični komplet razvodnog lanca potreban za D4CB motor može se razlikovati ovisno o marki i modelu vozila u koje je ugrađen. Preporuča se konzultirati se s kvalificiranim mehaničarom ili pogledati priručnik za vlasnika vozila za odgovarajući potrebni komplet razvodnog lanca.
Koje su značajke kompleta razvodnog lanca za d4cb-motor
Specifične značajke a set razvodnog lanca za D4CB motor može varirati ovisno o proizvođaču i određenom kompletu koji se kupuje. Međutim, neke zajedničke značajke tipičnog kompleta razvodnog lanca za D4CB motor mogu uključivati ​​razvodni lanac(e), zatezač(e), vodilicu(e), lančanik(e), brtvu(e), brtvu(e), hardver (vijke). , orašasti plodovi itd.).
Kvaliteta i trajnost ovih komponenti mogu varirati ovisno o proizvođaču, stoga je važno istražiti i kupiti od renomiranog dobavljača. Neki kompleti razvodnog lanca mogu uključivati ​​i dodatne komponente ili značajke, kao što su nadograđeni materijali ili dizajni za povećane performanse i dugovječnost.
Koji se materijali koriste Komplet razvodnog lanca za d4cb-motor
Specifični materijali korišteni u kompletu razvodnog lanca za D4CB motor mogu varirati ovisno o proizvođaču i specifičnom kompletu koji se kupuje. Međutim, neki uobičajeni materijali koji se mogu koristiti u komponentama tipičnog kompleta razvodnog lanca uključuju:
Razvodni lanac(i) - čelik, ponekad s premazom za povećanu izdržljivost
Zatezač(i) - plastično ili metalno kućište s unutarnjim komponentama od čelika ili drugih metala
Vodilice - plastične ili metalne
Lančanik(i) - čelik ili drugi metali
Brtva(e) - guma ili drugi elastomeri
Brtva(e) - papir ili drugi materijali pogodni za upotrebu u automobilskim motorima
Hardver (vijci, matice, itd.) - obično čelik ili drugi metali
Kvaliteta i trajnost ovih materijala može varirati ovisno o proizvođaču i određenom kompletu koji se kupuje, stoga je važno istražiti i kupiti od renomiranog dobavljača. Neki kompleti razvodnog lanca također mogu koristiti poboljšane materijale, kao što je ojačani čelik ili druge legure, za povećanu učinkovitost i dugovječnost.